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Brussels Airport as a hub for global monkey trade
Organoids allow animal-free study of cognitive processes
Another success for the Eastern Europe project of Doctors Against Animal Experiments
The association Doctors Against Animal Experiments calls it a milestone
Roche uses non-animal methods to improve drug development
Scientists from Berlin and Düsseldorf are researching rare diseases using mini-brains
Meaningful research without animal testing
Another failure of animal experimentation in AIDS research
Horseshoe crabs still suffer for testing of medical products
Over 9.3 million animals died in laboratories
Animal-free test has been available for 30 years
EU invests 80 million Euros in human-based technologies
Human bone model enables research on the genetic defect
A busy day in Brussels
Investigation confirms decades of mistreatment of monkeys for brain experiments
Scientists hope to gain insights into the evolution of the human brain
Animal-free alternative to animal testing in veterinary medicine
Doctors Against Animal Experiments criticizes xenotransplantation research
NAT Database - still unique worldwide even after 4 years
Doctors Against Animal Experiments (DAAE) file criminal charge against the responsible authority
Groundbreaking findings turn longstanding knowledge about data processing in the brain upside down
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